Friday, May 20, 2011

Season 4- Helena!

Hey guys, I'm Helena.

Here's some info about me: I'm the 26 year old sister to the lovely ladies in the posts below me. I am living in Pittsburgh, and I was kind-of-recently laid off from my job. Terrible for my wallet, but fantastic for my exercise goals (in theory). In between all my sleeping and traveling, I am hoping to make this summer a healthy one.

Just like everybody else, I am on a restricted diet. My lost love for the next three months is Sugar. Any kind of sugar. Fructose, Corn Syrup, Aspartame, all of it (although, who tries to eat aspartame?). The only sweeteners I am allowed are Honey, and Agave.

I don't know that I will be cooking with these all that much. I might just spend my time avoiding, and call it good.

The challenge: have you looked at an ingredients list?? High Fructose Corn Syrup is in everything. I guess I'll be making my burritoes from scratch, and eating a lot of salad.

(and living for those cheat days)

Wish me luck!


Chantel on May 25, 2011 at 2:32 PM said...

You can do it Helena!! I know you can. I know how you feel... milk is in everything too! Or at least it feels that way.

ps. I try to eat aspartame. Michael doesn't approve.


Annie, age 29

About Annie

With everything I am responsible for at home, my ridiculous work schedule and my health problems, it makes it hard to keep working out on the front burner. But when I heard about this blog, I thought 'why not!'. I'm excited to get started and hopefully I won't die of exhaustion when this is all over!

Heléna, age 26

About Helena

I can't fit into my clothes! After getting married and being forced to eat my own cooking, I started gaining weight. The desk job didn't really help. I gained 30 lbs in the past year, and I can really feel it when I try to get dressed in the morning. I am really good at starting diet and exercise programs; but really bad at finishing them. And that's all about to change...

Body Fat Calculator

BMI Calculator

Height: feet
Weight: pounds


If your BMI is You are...
Below 18.5 BMI Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 BMI Normal
25.0 - 29.9 BMI Overweight
30.0 - 34.9 BMI Obese
35.0 - 39.9 BMI Obese
40.0 - 49.9 BMI Extremely Obese

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