Thursday, April 14, 2011

How I did on week # 9

I worry we're beginning to lack motivation with blogging, any suggestions on how to kick it up a notch? 

Maybe we can decide on a certain amount of times we can miss blogging before we get disqualified? Or maybe there can be another prize for those that keep blogging... I don't know what would be best, but I would be terribly sad if this turns into something that we no longer keep up with. I love reading how you guys are doing, and I'm so proud of all of you for all you've accomplished. It helps me to stay motivated when I get to read updates from you all.

Let me know any ideas you have and what you think!

Anyway, last week I did great!
The challenges were to stretch everyday and to write down 5 things we're are grateful for each day.

The stretching was very easy, I have stretches from my chiropractor that I do every-other day anyway, and so I just did it everyday last week. It feels so good to stretch. It's great for my back and shoulders and I definitely feel a difference between when I do stretch and when I don't.

If any of you want some stretching exercises I can give you copies of the handout Doctor Hayes gave me -they are quick, easy and effective. At least for me :-)

The gratitude journal. It was a great practice to do, it helps me to feel fulfilled with my day.
I've kept gratitude journals in the past, and so I had a place to write each day, but I've never really kept it up for longer than a few months. It was refreshing to do it again.

Some days it was harder to think of things, of course!, but it was a good exercise and it helps me to focus and and appreciate the little things throughout the day so I can remember them when it comes time to write them down.

I did it everyday last week! I probably won't continue to everyday, but I definitely plan on doing it more often than I had been.

I'm looking forward to hearing how you all did too!
I love you guys, and I am really enjoying doing this blog and working out together.


Annie on April 17, 2011 at 9:52 AM said...

Chantel, awesome job on your stretches and journal! You rocked this challenge.


Annie, age 29

About Annie

With everything I am responsible for at home, my ridiculous work schedule and my health problems, it makes it hard to keep working out on the front burner. But when I heard about this blog, I thought 'why not!'. I'm excited to get started and hopefully I won't die of exhaustion when this is all over!

Heléna, age 26

About Helena

I can't fit into my clothes! After getting married and being forced to eat my own cooking, I started gaining weight. The desk job didn't really help. I gained 30 lbs in the past year, and I can really feel it when I try to get dressed in the morning. I am really good at starting diet and exercise programs; but really bad at finishing them. And that's all about to change...

Body Fat Calculator

BMI Calculator

Height: feet
Weight: pounds


If your BMI is You are...
Below 18.5 BMI Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 BMI Normal
25.0 - 29.9 BMI Overweight
30.0 - 34.9 BMI Obese
35.0 - 39.9 BMI Obese
40.0 - 49.9 BMI Extremely Obese

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