Monday, September 20, 2010

my thoughts on the challenge.

Pushups and lunges at work, pilates at home, and lifting squirmy nursery kids at church for 2 hours (did I mention I have a new calling?).

I'd say this weeks challenge was a definite success.

And I don't think my body is going to forgive me.

You know, building muscle would be a whole lot more appealing if it didn't hurt so much.

Also, cardio. If it didn't mean sweating and panting, I bet more people would do it.

This week's challenge: come up with a painless, sweatless, easy-to-do and yet incredible effective exercise.

Just kidding.

....but these are all good options:

(Hawaii Chair)

(1960's shake belt)

(Ab Contour)


Annie on September 20, 2010 at 1:54 PM said...

We have the same calling!!! Is Kurt with you too? So fun! Good job lifting!

Chantel on September 20, 2010 at 2:09 PM said...

Haha... good job Helena! You are doing great!

Love the pic of you in nursery.


Annie, age 29

About Annie

With everything I am responsible for at home, my ridiculous work schedule and my health problems, it makes it hard to keep working out on the front burner. But when I heard about this blog, I thought 'why not!'. I'm excited to get started and hopefully I won't die of exhaustion when this is all over!

Heléna, age 26

About Helena

I can't fit into my clothes! After getting married and being forced to eat my own cooking, I started gaining weight. The desk job didn't really help. I gained 30 lbs in the past year, and I can really feel it when I try to get dressed in the morning. I am really good at starting diet and exercise programs; but really bad at finishing them. And that's all about to change...

Body Fat Calculator

BMI Calculator

Height: feet
Weight: pounds


If your BMI is You are...
Below 18.5 BMI Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 BMI Normal
25.0 - 29.9 BMI Overweight
30.0 - 34.9 BMI Obese
35.0 - 39.9 BMI Obese
40.0 - 49.9 BMI Extremely Obese

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