Sunday, September 19, 2010

What Motivates Me...

Odd things tend to motivate me, a simple 'I want to change how I look' isn't going to do it, I have to think more creatively!

I try to pump myself up, think about it all day and plan on working out at a particular time .

I dress up, I'm not talking prom dress or anything but I do my hair (in such a way that it looks cute but isn't going to get plastered to my skin because of sweat) and do my makeup. I find that looking cute helps motivate me... probably because working out really isn't very sexy, all that bending, sweating and fat getting squished together doesn't do much for my self esteem BUT if I feel cute already, it really helps!

Even if I'm not really in the mood to workout but I know I should, I will change into my workout clothes and get ready (including my hair and makeup) when I do this my confidence is already high (I picked out cute workout clothes, ones that make me feel good and are flattering) I have more motivation but also it is hard to justify not working out when I am already to go and could easily pop on 'the shred' and be done in 20 minutes!

That is how I get my motivation up, but the mental clarity and boost I get from working out is sometimes motivation in its self. I don't get 'down' and I feel more like myself after I have been working out, I also feel better about how I look, even though the only thing changing it my mindset!


Chantel on September 19, 2010 at 10:07 PM said...

I should have done that yesterday!

Great tip!

Annie on September 20, 2010 at 1:55 PM said...

You are amazing. Make up and cute hair!?! I don't even do this on a regular day!


Annie, age 29

About Annie

With everything I am responsible for at home, my ridiculous work schedule and my health problems, it makes it hard to keep working out on the front burner. But when I heard about this blog, I thought 'why not!'. I'm excited to get started and hopefully I won't die of exhaustion when this is all over!

Heléna, age 26

About Helena

I can't fit into my clothes! After getting married and being forced to eat my own cooking, I started gaining weight. The desk job didn't really help. I gained 30 lbs in the past year, and I can really feel it when I try to get dressed in the morning. I am really good at starting diet and exercise programs; but really bad at finishing them. And that's all about to change...

Body Fat Calculator

BMI Calculator

Height: feet
Weight: pounds


If your BMI is You are...
Below 18.5 BMI Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 BMI Normal
25.0 - 29.9 BMI Overweight
30.0 - 34.9 BMI Obese
35.0 - 39.9 BMI Obese
40.0 - 49.9 BMI Extremely Obese

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