Tuesday, September 28, 2010

An Unrealistic Standard

I won't lie I have fallen into this trap, the 'I wish I could look like 'THAT!'" or the 'I wish I had her (skin/hair/abs/etc...)' especially when it comes to celebrities. Heaven knows I don't want to be one but shoot it would be nice to look like that! But then you stop and think... Looking like 'that' isn't realistic, not because you aren't pretty enough or some how don't
measure up... No it is unrealistic because it doesn't exist! There is no such thing as 'that' Well at least not naturally... But add a computer and now you're in business...

This is what 'That REALLY looks like-

Sometimes they 'retouch' you to look younger...

Sometimes the 'retouch' you to look taller...

Sometimes is is because a size 2 is still not small enough...

Sometimes it is because they don't get that having curves, means you have curves and its not just on your chest and butt ...

Maybe they 'retouched' you because being 52 isn't 'fashionable'...

Sometimes you will be 'retouched' because you had a baby...

Sometimes it is because they though you would look better with a different body...

Sometimes its because your stomach isn't impossibly smooth while leaning forward...

Sometimes its because having a normally thin body doesn't mean you don't have cellulite...

Sometimes it is because aging gracefully isn't good enough...

...And sometimes I think they 'retouch' you just because they can...

Regardless of why they 'retouch', the fact is they do and it is everywhere and on everything. These pictures are only a few of the ones I found and one thing is for sure, there is no perfect! No matter what you see... or think you see.

The Truth Is
Your stomach will fold if you bend it, your skin is going to have pores, dark circles come if you don't get enough sleep (and sometimes even if you do!), Skin will break out, eyes are easily blood shot, almost everyones gets cellulite and everyone ages. If all of theses things are normal then why are we spending so much time, money and effort worrying and trying to change it?


Chantel on September 28, 2010 at 10:54 AM said...

This is an awesome post. Thanks Amber!

viewfromdownhere on September 29, 2010 at 9:19 AM said...

Terrific post! I couldn't agree more with you!

Melissa on September 29, 2010 at 10:10 AM said...

A great post. Chantel sent me your way.

CNM on September 30, 2010 at 12:59 PM said...

I wish every teen and young woman could read this.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

Annie on October 2, 2010 at 6:19 AM said...

That is freaking nuts!

Helena on October 2, 2010 at 6:11 PM said...

YOU are freaking nuts!


Annie, age 29

About Annie

With everything I am responsible for at home, my ridiculous work schedule and my health problems, it makes it hard to keep working out on the front burner. But when I heard about this blog, I thought 'why not!'. I'm excited to get started and hopefully I won't die of exhaustion when this is all over!

Heléna, age 26

About Helena

I can't fit into my clothes! After getting married and being forced to eat my own cooking, I started gaining weight. The desk job didn't really help. I gained 30 lbs in the past year, and I can really feel it when I try to get dressed in the morning. I am really good at starting diet and exercise programs; but really bad at finishing them. And that's all about to change...

Body Fat Calculator

BMI Calculator

Height: feet
Weight: pounds


If your BMI is You are...
Below 18.5 BMI Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 BMI Normal
25.0 - 29.9 BMI Overweight
30.0 - 34.9 BMI Obese
35.0 - 39.9 BMI Obese
40.0 - 49.9 BMI Extremely Obese

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