Hey guys! Sorry I'm so late in posting this.
But I made it home safely!
My trip was awesome! Due to the very hot weather, we didn't do as much hiking this time as last time. But I still worked out!
Just not as often as during non-vacation weeks ;-)
I did, however, try new things:
I went swimming in a lake that had deep blue water, and really red sand
-I'd never done that before
In said lake my legs got an extreme workout as I tried to stay away from the seaweed
-I'd never done that before
I made up a workout routine in a swimming pool, including having my legs on the edge of the pool, and doing sit ups
-I'd never done that before
Michael is a lot more tan than I am, and he's very excited to be swimming
I walked around St. George to different historical sites
-I'd never done that before
I walked around a dinosaur tracks museum
-I'd never done that before
I danced vigorously in the car as we drove around
-I have done that on many occasions, but never in St. George
I think those count. Don't you? ;-)
As for the self-esteem challenge, I am in the same boat as Amber and Helena; my Wonderful Husband was really the only one to compliment me, but I accepted his compliments graciously.
I can't remember if others complimented me, which means if they did I didn't internalize it. I tend to do that. I accept it kindly so they know I appreciate it, but I don't always believe it, and then in turn I don't remember it. But I am definitely going to try and change this.
I'm going to try and kick butt with this weeks challenges!
Here's hoping I do everything :-)
Wow! You were busy!! Rock on Chantel.
This picture is awesome! Your photographer must be really talented.
Also, congratulations on all of your firsts! It sounds like it was really fun.
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