Does that seem crazy to anybody else?
In case you are new:
Each week we are given two challenges. These challenges will start on Sunday (usually) and go through the following Saturday. (click here to learn more about our weekly challenges)
At the end of the week, we will each write a post explaining our experiences with the challenges.
BE HONEST. If you failed the challenge, tell us why. If you rocked it, tell us how. Most importantly, tell us how you feel about it.
This week's challenges
Physical Challenge: Step up your game! This week the goal is to increase what you are doing. Do you usually work out twice a week? Do it three times! Do you cut your workout short because its killing you? Push through it! Are you scared to try a new workout because you know its going to be hard? DO IT! Guys we have less than 2 months left... it is time to step it up! SO chose which part of your workout you want to 'step up' and then do it!
Nutritional Challenge: SO according to... pretty much everyone (like how I use a reliable source?) you are supposed to be eating at least 5 servings of fruits and 5 servings of vegetables A DAY! I know I'm not doing it so chances are you aren't either... SO this week the goal is to reach the lucky 10, 5 servings of fruit and 5 servings of vegetables a day. It is a lot, especially if you haven't been getting close but do your best to fit them in (and extra points if you eat a ton of different colors this week too, variety is the spice of life! )
Ps. A serving is roughly a half cup, though it is good to note that a whole piece of fruit, like an apple or a peach is one serving of fruit but with greens like spinach and lettuce you need a whole cup to get a full serving.
Love our weekly challenges? Here's some good news!
You Can Participate!
We are excited to see you there!
Love our weekly challenges? Here's some good news!
You Can Participate!
We'd love the company!
Here's what you need to do:
* Spend your week working on these challenges.
* Write a post about your experience.
* Link it up next Saturday.
We are excited to see you there!
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