What were the challenges?
Physical Challenge: Get outside! This week, we are asking you to take your exercise outdoors at least 2 times, and for at least a half an hour each time. Go for a brisk walk, ride a bike, do pilates in your yard, etc. It doesn't matter what you choose, so long as you are panting fresh air.Did you participate in the challenges this week? We'd love to hear about it!
Nutritional Challenge: Keep a food diary for 5 days. Write down everything you eat and drink- every snack and meal. Don't try to change your eating style, just keep track of it. Then at the end of the week, go over your record, and see what you learn.
You don't have to chart calories or anything (unless you really want to). You can just keep it simple, and be honest.
"If you can't figure out where your extra weight is coming from, it may be that you are overeating and don't know it. If you sit down with a whole bag of chips and finish them off, that's one thing. But perhaps you're taking the chips out in handfuls - maybe you don't realize you're eating the whole bag!"
-How To Keep A Food Diary, from About.com
Here's what you need to do:
* Write a post about your experience.
* Link it up below.
*Be sure to link back to this post (a great way to do that is by grabbing our button)
BE HONEST. If you failed the challenge, tell us why. If you rocked it, tell us how. Most importantly, tell us how you feel about it.
Someday, we will have participants...
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